Mosaic Institute has wound down operations effective August 9, 2024. Read more.
is an in-depth two-year university and college-level Fellowship that provides meaningful engagement and equips youth with the leadership skills to dismantle prejudice on campuses across Canada and around the world.


"The UofMosaic Fellowship provided me with outstanding guidance and pushed me to advocate for a broader spectrum of people and actually move the dial on 'making this world more just, equitable and harmonious'."
- Hamzeh Naghawi Regional President (UofM Cohort 19-21)
The UofMosaic Fellowship is a two-year program that provides personal and professional development opportunities to students of diverse backgrounds and ranges of experience to activate their leadership and change-making potential.
have been facilitated across Canada.
114 Fellows
across Canada have completed our program.
5,000 People Reached
across Canada have participated in this program.
20 Universities and Colleges
have partnered with us to make UofMosaic possible.
Over $30,000 in Bursaries
have been received by our fellows

UofMosaic is generously supported by

Fellows gain leadership knowledge and training from Mosaic's network of change makers, including industry professionals, speakers, educators, and activists from across Canada. We provide these opportunities through monthly:

on leadership and dismantling prejudice, surrounding diverse topics including mental health, teamwork, communication and breaking down systemic barriers.
led by Fellows to strengthen their leadership skills and facilitate discussions on topics such as advancing anti- racism, inspiring and mobilizing youth, climate justice, human rights and decolonization efforts.
taught by inspiring speakers, social justice activists, award-winning journalists, and impactful writers who are exclusive to the UofMosaic Digital Learning Hub.
UofMosaic Fellows will create projects in the second half of the program around concepts and ideas that matter to them:
Fellows will use their leadership training to facilitate and produce campus dialogues. These innovative dialogues aim to dismantle prejudice and create actionable change on campuses across Canada.
Towards the end of their Fellowship, Fellows will publish research through Mosaic Institute on dismantling prejudice in the communities that matter most to them.
All Fellows will receive a professional development fund at the end of their time in the UofMosaic program.
This fund allows Fellows to pursue a professional development option of their choice outside our programming. The formats can vary from courses, webinars, conferences to skill-based training, and aim to allow Fellows to pursue their goals and continue to activate their potential.

2021-23 COHORT
Our 2021-23 UofMosaic Fellow Cohort was able to connect in-person for our August 2022 meet-up, as well as our end of program Campus Dialogues. Producing publications on health equity, discrimination in housing, and the stigma of gay parenting, we are beyond proud of what this cohort was able to achieve. Meet our 2021-23 Cohort and see their publications and campus dialogues below.

2019-21 COHORT
Our 2019-2021 Fellow Cohort overcame immense obstacles. Despite enduring a pandemic, several lockdowns, and adapting to connecting only online, our Fellows produced a series of Campus Dialogues and Publications that covered complex subjects, including food scarcity, gender violence, and religious persecution.